2024-2025 Season
Support the
Schuylkill Choral Society
Saturday, December 7, 2024 - 7:00 PM
St. John The Baptist Church, Pottsville
Sunday, December 8, 2024 - 3:00 PM
First United Methodist Church
Schuylkill Haven
Mass in G, Franz Schubert &
Dubois, 7 Last Words of Christ
Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 3:00 PM
St. Patrick RC Church, Pottsville
Mark's Classic Rock
Saturday, May 17, 2025 - 7:00 PM
Schuylkill Haven Area High School

A very important part of the responsibilities of being a member of the Schuylkill Choral Society is for ALL members to participate in the fund raising activites that take place during the year. These events are critical in order to finance our professionals and prepare for the normal operating expenses of the organization.
Listed below are some of the fund raising activities:
Program Ad Solicitation - September to the 3rd Monday of November each year
Redner Sales Slips and using Boyer's Fobs for sales and others that may arise
Members are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Concert schedules are planned in advance of each season. (not including optional performance opportunities). Note: If an applicant is not available and unable to commit to the rehearsal and performance schedule, a special waiver may be requested at the time of the audition. Approval will be at the sole discretion of the Music Director.
Guidelines for Members: You are expected to fulfill your commitment to the rehearsal and performance schedule (not including optional performance opportunities) as indicated at the time of your audition, and reaffirmed at the time of your invitation and contract signing. If you must miss any rehearsals (2 is the maximum except in certain circumstances) or performances for which you had previously indicated your availability, you are requested to notify the Section Leader as soon as possible. Based on such unanticipated absences, the Music Director reserves the right to ask a member to step down from a given concert, or to withdraw for the remainder of the season. The music director reserves the right to revoke membership for any chorister at any time based on repeated attendance failures, musical reasons, or any other considerations. You may request a leave of absence during the season for any reason, at any time. Approval will be at the discretion of the Music Director, and if granted, will not change your status as a member.
Full rehearsals with piano are held every Monday evening, 7:30-9:30 pm at First United Church of Christ, 110 Route 61 S Schuylkill Haven.
Dress rehearsals are held at the site of the upcoming concert(s). These rehearsals normally take place on the Thursday evening before the concert and are mandatory. No performance dress is to be worn on a dress rehearsal. Their approximate times normally are 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m.
The Concert season runs from September until approximately mid-May each year.
Dues $60.00 per season. This is broken down as $45 membership dues and a $15.00 music fee which is put toward the purchase of the music the Choral Society will use during the season.
All music is returned to the Choral Society Librarian at the end of each concert, with all markings erased and is the property of the Choral Society.
You are asked to purchase a formal black choral folder, which you then keep for your own permanent use. These are available from the Choral Society.
•Purchase of standard concert gown (Approximately $90.00 - payment plan available)
•Black shoes
•No jewelry, except a single string of necklace pearls
•No perfume or scented body deodorant (This rule also applies to rehearsals)
•Tuxedo or black suit (no tails), black bow tie, white tuxedo shirt (occasionally red or green bow tie for Christmas)
•Black shoes
•No scented body deodorant (This rule also applies to rehearsals)
Most performances are at different venues throughout the county. Generally they are churches or high school auditoriums.
In addition to singing during the regular season, the Schuylkill Choral Society also provides an opportunity to sing with the Mark Thomas Ensemble. The Ensemble performs at small community functions and occasionally during intermission at our own concerts.
Special performances also take place at local community events upon request. Members are encouraged to take part in these community events, but this is not mandatory.
Foreign and Domestic Tours - The Schuylkill Choral Society has gone on several international tours, performing in Canada, Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria. The Choral Society also performed at the Lakeside Ball room along with the New York Pops Orchestra, and toured with the Prague Radio Symphony in Prague, Salzburg, Vienna and Russia.
Participation in additional performances and tours are strictly voluntary.
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